The girls are doing fantastic! When I read articles about monthly babies' development, which is a guideline of what to expect at certain age and months, I see Kaci is ahead of its description, Cja is somewhat late comer. So much personality that I can already see who is gonna be a go-go-go one and who is gonna be a mellow one ;-)
*weight --14lb 4oz
* flips from back to tummy all the time. She pushes her butt up trying to go for what's in front of her, but she can't go forward as she wants so she gets frustrated.
* At the beginning of 6th month, she had stranger anxiety. Even if we are around, when someone comes close to her face, she got scared. By the end of the month, she seems to be ok. Maybe because we put them in daycare once a week. She might have gotten used to be around strangers.
*Hands and brain coordination. She is really good at it! Take a look at the video (6 month 1week),, "Kaci, the shredder"
*Teething... runny nose, congestion and fever 99-101 and don't seem to be in pain but quite fussy especially in the evening. Once, her fever lasted for 4 days. She woke up screaming crying in the middle of the night during those days. We use orajel every once in a while. When fever is high (over 101) before bedtime, we give her Mortrin over Tylenol only because the Mortrin lasts 8 hours and helps her sleep. When it's 99-100.4, I just watch her level of activity, how she looks and all. Majority of the time, she is fine. I read that low grade fever is actually beneficial to the baby.
*Kaci called "da da"!
*Kaci is not so vocal compared to Cja.
*Kaci has new hair growth. The back of her head was kinda bald but now new hair is growing in.
*Just into 6month, she started "bwah bwah bwah " sound with her mouth. Sounds like she is trying to say "mama" because I teach her to say the word! She've already called "da da"!!
*Teething--I saw a while dot on her bottom gum at 6mon 1wk--before turning 7 month old, she has 2 bottom teeth coming up half way out. She is doing fantastic with this teething process. She doesn't run fever, she doesn't chew toys, she doesn't care about orajel and sleeps all night long. She drools a lot and occasional screaming.. She hasn't needed any Tylenol for the pain so far.
*Caught 2nd cold this season.
*She rolled from back to tummy at 6mon 4week! finally!
*I am still pumping breast milk. 5-6 times a day. I have about 1 1/2 month worth of supply in freezer.
*I have been eating chocolate every single day for last 6 months. Also desserts after dinner is a must. I have 2 servings of dinner everyday. These can't be happening anymore! Less pumping= less calories I burn. So I will start my exercise as less chocolate and less often of desserts. Yes, this is a start!
*I was down with fever this month. My car died on me one morning. I was late for work two days in a row. This is when Kaci had fever also. All these in just one week. Phew.
My motto : I try not to look or dress as if I just get ran over by train. Running all over the place for two babies should not stop from me tying to keep myself neat, though it happens quite often LOL.